When you visit the pages of to order products, but also to ensure the ability to contact you in order to inform you about new products, we may ask you to register your information (name, occupation, address, date of birth, etc.). Any personal data anywhere on the pages and services of the website, are intended to ensure the operation of the service and may not be used by anyone, without complying with the provision Law 2472/97 on the protection of personal data, which is valid at the time.
The online store operates according to the Greek and EU legislation and maintains the security of your personal data for as long as you are registered with the service and are deleted after any transaction.
The personal data you store online, are used exclusively by or affiliated with this business, to support, promote and execute the trading relationship. Any saved data may be released to the competent judicial, administrative and other legal authorities upon their request and in accordance with the pertinent laws. The Customer, according to the framework of the law on telecommunications, has the information and refusal rights provided in Articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997 2472/1997.
The information we ask from you
- Privacy Policy
Each visitor can browse the online store Healthy-scoop without giving any personal information.
We will need personal data (your e-mail) when you become a member and order products, if you choose to receive our newsleter e-mails. - Information concerning purchasing products
The necessary data for each transaction is your name, ID number (to ensure personal identity with your credit card after you choose to buy through credit), a phone number, address (street, city, zip code), shipping address of the order and type of billing (receipt, invoice). Furthermore, we ask for additional information like a phone number (in case we need to contact you), fax number and occupation. - Billing type
In case, we issue an invoice, we need a company name, VAT number and address of its headquarters.
In summary, we ask for the information that we need in order for you to enjoy a unique shopping experience: consistent delivery of products ordered, secure payment of your order and personalized service, based on your needs and preferences.
To be able to offer a personalized service, most large companies use alphanumeric identification files, called cookies. The session cookies are used only to recognize that you have entered the site, so you do not need to enter a password every time you access the pages that contain transaction data. These are erased immediately after leaving the site.
Lansinoh uses session cookies: in order to remember your password when you visit our web pages, we must identify you when you enter our online store.
How Lansinoh secures your personal information?
For answers please visit the disclaimer, paragraphs 6 & 7 and see in detail all security levels that we have implemented for you.