You have the right to return purchased products and ask for a replacement
- in all cases where it is proven that Lansinoh sold wrong products or faulty products of poor quality (wrong in taking the order, the pricing, its mission, damaged during transport, poor packaging, etc. .) and
- in all cases where there was a problem / real defect in the product service or quality. The same goes for products that are guaranteed by the manufacturer.
In all these cases, the customer has the choice, either not to receine the product or, as received, return the product within 15 days from the date of delivery. In each case the products must be returned in perfect condition, in the state they were received from the client, complete and without damage and the product packaging, normally shipped with the product (to match the IMEI) and be in excellent condition.
- If not returned within 15 days then Lansinoh can not accept any return and replacement.
- In any case, for all these cases the maximum time limit to return for replacement may not extend beyond the twenty (15) calendar days of receipt.
Moreover, for all cases, the product for replacement or repair needed to be accompanied by all documents accompanying the product (eg ITT, Ap Retail etc).
Before any return is prior consultation with the Shop Lansinoh.
You can contact us at 210 2014306 and at